Funding Our First Child's Dream Progress Bar
We Need $250,000 To Start Our First Batch of Dreams Fulfilling.
Imagine a world where kids don’t have to suffer and miss out on learning opportunities and growing because of financial limitations!
Imagine a world where a child doesn’t miss out on school and homework because their family can’t afford a laptop for them during remote learning!
Imagine a world where a potentially great scientist or the next Elon Musk doesn’t miss out on a space camp, science camp, a project, or even materials!
Imagine a world where the next best biohacker doesn’t miss out on the opportunity of saving the world from the next health pandemic!
We Need $250,000 To Start Our First Batch of Dreams Fulfilling.
Your donation will go towards helping real kids with real struggles. You'll get to stay updated on their progress and learning updates.
We will send you an updated track record of every child your donation helped out.
We will work with your professional advisor to put in place highly effective approaches to charitable giving.
Show the world your charitable impact. Get your own profile for all your fundraisers and donations.
You'll get the opportunity to connect with the kids you helped out, keep track of their progress, and connect with other donors.
Build the future you want your kids to be a part of, support great little minds and souls to become great big minds and souls.
Running a non-profit organization isn’t an easy task. Therefore, we thank all supporting businesses for our journey to building a great future for our generations to follow.